Clairvoyance is an interdisciplinary field that unites sociology and Thaumaturgy for the prediction of events in the long term. Built on the work of Clairvoyant Tormansco the Oracle, the field is sometimes considered a branch of metamathematics due to its foundation in Gallenan Algebra. The implementation of Clairvoyancy requires large quantities of mana to permit reading stones to provide a noticeable output. The Field is only effective at large-scale prediction, due to limitations put in place by reading stones. Technical advancements have worked to decrease the Mana strain that the field has, as well as lowering processing times for reading arrays at scale as a practical application of quantum computing.
The Golden Age of Clairvoyance
The Field of Clairvoyance has a unique set of terminology in order to describe what is happening in the field or within an Oracle.
An Equation is any input that can be responded to by a reading stone or a series of reading stones with a strong answer.
An Answer is the output from a reading stone or a series of reading stones.
An Oracle is any person or device that can give answers to equations.
The Strength of an answer describes how easy it is to read the answer to an equation. The simpler the equation, the stronger the answer usually is. Strength is quantified into Thaums (Th).
The Freshness of an answer is how few people know an answer to an equation. The more spoiled an answer is- the more people know the answer- the more inaccurate it becomes. How quickly an answer spoils varies by the field.
Oracles are persons or machines that are used to calculate the results of Clairvoyant equations. The earliest Oracles utilized reading stones for divination, this profession would give the modern equipment its name. Following the discovery of Gallenan Algebra and the standardization of the field by Tormansco the Oracle, flesh-and-blood Oracles began to see employment among major corporations in order to predict the future. However, due to the inefficiencies of natural language combined with weak outputs from reading stones, only simple equations could give reliable answers. Following innovations by //person//, tools were invented to supplement Oracles to provide clearer and stronger answers for less mana. These Mana-Magnetic Enhancifiers would later be combined with Electric Computers to produce the first Electric Oracles. These Oracles could calculate far more complex equations and provide reliable and easily readable answers. Most famous is the Grand Oracle in //Nation//, constructed in //Year// by //Company//.
Oracle Architecture
Electric Oracles are complex devices, comprising of many parts and materials, being among the most expensive computing devices in the world. Most Oracles have 3 sections: the Reading Array, the Gallenan Calculator, and the Checking Circuit. The Reading Array is what allows the Oracle to function. It is a board with various Reading Stones put into it, with Mana and Electricity running into the Reading Stones in order to give inputs and outputs for equations given to the Oracle. The Gallenan Calculator converts Clairvoyant Equations into electrical inputs that the Reading Array can answer, the output of the calculator is the answer to the Equation. The Checking Circuit utilizes the Tormansco Universe Number in order to adjust the inputs of the Gallenan Calculator in order to make answers fresh. This Circuit uses a reading stone to verify that the information from the Gallenan Calculator is accurate, and can stop the calculation in the event of a catastrophic failure. It is the simplest part of any Oracle.