Containment Operations Initiative

The Containment Operations Initiative (commonly abbreviated as the COI) is an paranational military organization that was created prior to the Corporate Wars in order to contain and combat mana-based life or mana-enhanced life that proved too dangerous for species inhabiting the world, which they have done in the General Exclusion Zone and the Rot. Although the first organizations dedicated to the eradication of fantastical fauna was founded in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the COI was formed as stipulated by the Treaty of Portsmouth (2020). Following the Corporate Wars, international support of the group largely faded, as the COI and international community began to come into conflict over the exploitation of resources within the exclusion zone. This lack of support led to the organization splintering into hundreds of chapters dedicated to the protection of localized regions of the exclusion zone, with politics between chapters being as complex as any other international community. Although control of the group legally remains with the General-Secretary of Containment Operations, lack of large-scale cohesion has led to each chapter effectively being its own separate organization.


Pre-COI Groups

The COI can trace its roots back to adventurer’s guilds of the pre-corporate and pre-industrial age. These groups were more concerned with personal gain and the glory of killing the monsters that terrorized nations, but their effects were still felt. These guilds were eventually integrated into Police Forces and Militaries, with Adventuring branches of both continuing to defend against monsters. Between 1950 and 1999, these groups began to see greater autonomy until the first Adventurers Bureau was founded in 1999 in [nation]. Following this, similar agencies were founded across the continent. As technology also improved, the fields of Magizoology and Biollurgy began to use these Agencies to study the effects of Mana on flora and fauna. In 2000, the Containment and Research Department of [Nation]’s Adventurers Bureau. This would be the foundation for the COI, which would be founded 20 years later.

Treaty of Portsmouth

In 2020, 11 signatory nations signed the Treaty of Portsmouth. This treaty stipulated that all members help support the COI and subsidize it’s creation. However, due to political turmoil, Malazec was forced to back out of the treaty.

Breakup of the COI

The lack of support led to the various chapters of the COI to become fractured.

General-Secretary of Containment Operations

The General Secretary of Containment Operations is the de jure leader of the COI’s chapters.

List of Chapters of the COI






Malaszeknos LfR Lajzjanfos (COI Containment Group of Malaszec)




OFD-Tid ta Bonbonvakeg Deid-Votnod K.F.Zh (The Most Glorious Guild of Adventurers, COI Frith)''


[Name Pending]


The Frith was effectively ended following the Corporate Wars, but was never dissolved in an official capacity.