Dovreijan Boom

The Dovreijan Boom is the period of economic propserity in Dovreija following the discovery of mineral and oil riches there in 1993. The region was previously thought to be mostly worthless, with little fertile land and low mana. The discoveries transformed Dovrieja from being the poorest ward to the richest in GDP and triggered an immigration wave of non-faeries into the ward.



Dovreija was transformed from a primarily agricultural ward to an oil and mineral exporter following the Dovreijan Boom. The newfound wealth led to the government investing in infrastructure for the ward, including irrigation technology and public transport.

Faerie and Non-faerie Cohabitation

Before Dovreijan Boom, faeries rarely cohabitated with non-faeries. These faeries would always move north into a non-faerie majority ward. The immigration waves of the Dovreijan Boom was the first time that significant populations of non-faeries immigrated to the faerie ward of Dovreija. The practical concerns that arose led to the creation of intersize design, which aims to better integrate faeries and non-faeries through the design of buildings and products.

Prior to 1999, Malaszec used two different sizes of its currency, the MPR Proj. The smaller version was used exclusively among faeries until the Dovreijan Boom, and since both were legal tender, this led to issues concerning the practicality of multiple sizes of currency. This led to the creation of the Millenium Card, an embossed, coin-sized plastic charge card resembling the early, non-electronic credit cards in function. Initially this was used only in the metropolitan area of Anelije-Darvec, but was rolled out nationwide in 2000.

Faerie attitudes towards non-faeries

The Dovreijan Boom led to greater acceptance of non-faeries by faeries, especially in Dovreija. According to a 1998 study conducted by Tija Raskow, 82% of faeries in cities where faeries have frequent business with humans respond with “slightly agree,” “agree,” or “strongly agree” when asked if they would welcome a human co-worker, assuming all practical conditions were met. This is contrasted with 41% in cities where faeries have little to no contact with humans.
