Geyser Island

Geyser Island is an island in the sea between Erothena and Malaszec notable for its volatile mana geyser. The mana geyser regularly ejects magically charged geyser water, creating dangerous phenomena such as water elementals. Though the island has a high concentration of mana, it is unsuitable for industrial exploitation due to the water elementals which jealously guard the geyser from outsiders.

Water Elementals

Water elementals are created by the island’s mana geyser by imbuing magical energy into ejected water. These water elementals are hostile to other life forms and will destroy those who come too near the geyser. Some water elementals may lose their way and end up at sea, where they will become confused and behave erratically. Drawing in the surrounding water, they may stir up powerful storms that last for hours.


It is said that in prehistory, two arcane dinosaur-like beings lived there. They fed upon the trees and vegetation, and they lived in harmony for thousands of years.

One day, the island quaked, and through it a rift formed. Each one of these creatures came to the rift, and thereupon spewed forth arcane energy. They stood by in wonderment, transfixed by the wondrous sights it created. The longer they stood, the more addled their minds became, until they were nothing but savage beasts.

They fought and they fought, and through their fighting, the ground beneath them began to crack. The tides rushed in, and they were carried away by the tempests into the seas. One washed ashore to Erothena and traveled north to the lush rain forests where he lived to old age. One washed ashore to the south, and travelled south to dry Malaszec. This one wandered until he got to the desert, where the dryness and inhospitality of the environment led to its death. Supposedly, these beasts carried with them the mana they absorbed from the great rift, and when they died, the ground beneath them became imbued with their mana for miles around.

The claims made by the legend have not been scientifically verified.
