Ilaje Otrovec
Ilaje Otrovec, born 16 March 1970, is the current President of Esterlod Zloije, a conglomerate known for biotechnology and food manufacturing. He is a member of the Fellowship of the Forest, a religion primarily practiced by Malaszec elves which encourages vegetarianism. During the Malaszec People’s Republic (MPR), the religion was driven underground because its doctrines were at odds with the state, including its meat industry. Despite this, Otrovec made his early career as a food scientist working towards making a soy-based meat analog, a project which he justified to the state as useful for developing military rations with a long shelf-life. His project led to the development of textured vegetable protein-based meat analogue in 2011, which is a popular synthetic meat today. During the MPR, however, his product was constantly rejected by the People’s Health and Diet Commission. It was not until 2030, three years after the collapse of the MPR that he was able to raise capital and start a business of his own selling synthetic meat. Without state suppression, the Fellowship of the Forest grew, and a market arose among new converts for synthetic meat. His company was bought by Esterlod ZE in 2041, and Otrovec became the head of its food sciences division. His influence within the company quickly grew, and he became the president of Esterlod ZE on 24 September 2062 when his predecessor died at 327 years old.