
Ilasrom Oronkan known internationally as Farmhand Ltd., is a Malaszec company providing security, courier services, and utilities usually under the umbrella of municipal services. It originated as a Astlodian black market during the Malaszec communist era, and became incorporated as a legitimate company in 2031. It is notable for providing municipal services to rural Malaszec, with a greater service area for its security force than any of the Zloije combined. It is also the main law enforcement contractor for the Dorovec Capital District.


Ilasrom got its start during the middle of the country’s Communist Era as an illegal enterprise. It operated a black market in rural Astlod, not only selling drugs and weapons, but also toilet paper and other necessities when the draconian distribution laws caused a shortage. When the communist government collapsed in 2027, unshackled by distribution and movement laws, the newly privatized Zloije were free to sell products wherever they could. Ilasrom was gutted of its black market profits, and it seemed that it would become a shadow of its former self.

However, after years of the new government, one thing became clear for rural residents. None of the Zloije were interested in providing services for small towns and villages. Simply put, it was unprofitable. People stopped getting mail from their family and friends. People started burning more trash in their backyards because garbage collection ceased. Say what you will about the communist Malaszec surveillance state, at least it deterred violent crime. It was in filling this void that Ilasrom made its name.

Ilasrom was incorporated in 2031. Like many other newly incorporated businesses of its time, it was considered small fry by the giant Zloije and mostly ignored until it was too late. By leveraging the resources it had been growing under the table for decades under communist rule, it was able to provide mail and security services to dozens of small towns at a price. The beginning of this new direction for Ilasrom proved rough, since most rural communities were relatively poor and profit margins were slim. However, as technology advanced and the company grew, Ilasrom became profitable through economies of scale. It grew from serving a couple dozen to hundreds of towns and villages by 2045, and now provides rural electrification, security, waste management, and a myriad of other services.

Business Model

Residents of rural Malaszec are usually dependent on Ilasrom, who keeps its services affordable though its “responsive service philosophy.” Instead of maintaining permanent offices in every one of the hundreds of villages it supports, personnel and equipment zip over to the sites where they’re needed. For the right price, they will investigate anything, no matter how frivolous. Sheriff’s offices and regular patrols are the exception, not the norm, and are only available for customers willing to pay the higher price. Such customers include the Malaszec Government, which auctions off law enforcement contracts for the Dorovec Government District.

Outside of Malaszec, Ilasrom is known as Farmhand Ltd. and rigorously fights over government contracts to provide the services it already does in its home turf. It makes numerous bids for control of population nodes in [Name Pending] and is also known for its private law enforcement division worldwide. From investigating corporate records to guarding VIPs, Ilasrom does it all.
