Leve Kirata
Leve Kirata is an important cultural hero and founding father within Erothenian traditional religion.
Summarized from the Annals of Creation:
In the long gone past the hero Leve Kirata claimed the fires of wealth and creation from the gods of sky and for that sin the tribe of elves were exiled from the first garden into the endless plains. There it was said they would wander forever and never know rest or safety.
But Leve Kirata would not be content with eternal punishment. He promised his people that he would bring them to a home, a true home. To this goal he led the elven people in the wake of the moving sun for one month and then ordered them to stop. Where they had stopped he took the fire of creation and drew a scorched line in the sand. The people asked why he had drawn this line and he proclaimed it would be the border of their land in this endless place and then bade his people to turn around with him and walk the same path again against the sun.
So the people packed their things and began their long march again. But before a day had passed an emissary of the sky gods appeared before them. “To march the same way in the endless land is foolish. If you follow the command of Leve Kirata it is death you will find.” But the people trusted Leve Kirata and marched past the emissary and continued east for one month. When they finally reached their goal they saw him waiting for them, still with the fires of creation in one hand.
“Because you have trusted me, now our people shall flourish. All this way I have followed you and brought the fires of wealth to the land I have staked out to be ours, letting life overtake the wasteland. With this line drawn now I will have marked the border of our land, that will be forever our land, so that dead lands can never overtake it.”
Leve Kirata then drew a line in sand with the fires of creation and to the astonishment of the elves all the land beyond the line sank down and became water, a great blue ocean. All land beyond the two lines that Leve Kirata had drawn became the sea and between them the desert now teemed with life. The elves settled here and called their home Erothena, the land of fire.