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NOTOC Welcome to the Wiki for the Great NSPB Canon! You need to create an account and ask PI for Contributor status before you can edit and create pages.
Check out the Timeline of Events for a summary of major events in the canon.
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Guidelines and Info
The current year in the canon is , with the earliest industrial revolution starting in 1919. The canon calendar year begins when it’s winter in the southern hemisphere.
- Our main races are human and human-adjacent, who have capabilities and intelligence more or less similar to a human
- All magic and technology must not exceed capabilities currently replicable currently (IRL) in a laboratory setting. Current (IRL) emergent technology is the norm in our setting.
- Mana is a non-renewable resource that can be mined. Things and creatures imbued with mana, or which consume mana, exhibit magical properties. Mana follows the laws of conservation.
- Mana-rich areas suitable for industrial mining are surrounded by dangerous magical creatures and phenomena. Mana which seeps into water and soil is less dangerous but weaker, and was the most common way to use magic before the industrial era.
Terms for OOC communication
When discussing the NSPBverse out of character, these terms are defined for the purpose of clear communication:
- Sapience refers to a human-like intelligence and consciousness. Sentience refers to the animal-like ability to experience sensations.
- Soul refers to a hypothetical and immaterial vessel for consciousness that is separable from the physical form of body. Consciousness refers to the collective biases, experiences, and/or characteristics that define an individual or identity.