
Netchat is an instant messaging protocol that allows users to connect to chatrooms hosted on netchat servers to connect with other users connected to the same server using netchat clients. Each netchat user can set a nickname to use on the server they are connected to, and are able to send text, images, and other files to other users. While many netchat servers are open to the public, server operators may choose to set a password for access or whitelist clients based on their public key. Netchat is an encrypted protocol, meaning that a third party cannot read or modify the content of chat messages being sent across a network unless they are able to break the encryption.

As netchat is merely a protocol, there are many implementations of both netchat client and server software. Users can use any netchat client to connect to any compatible netchat server. One popular netchat server software is Server, which fell into controversy on the June 28, 2071 when it started bundling adware that would occasionally relay ads to connected users.

Some governments and other organisations block netchat traffic on their networks due to subversive material or for productivity reasons. For example, Dovreija blocked all netchat traffic for about a month in May 2052 because of its use by the militant separatist group Argusz Erendal for planning. Users have been known to bypass these restrictions by doing things like tunneling traffic through the LayerNet.