Overview of Malaszec Ideologies

This is an overview of ideologies which originated in Malaszec or were influential in Malaszec’s history.

Philosophy of Order

Main article: Philosophy of Order

The Philosophy of Order (or simply, Order) is an ancient philosophy originating around modern day Opel, Sevorod. It likely originated as a reaction to primitive elf societies which lived in anarchy. The core tenets are:

Some topics about Order that are under debate include:

Imperial Order

Under the Final Malaszec Empire, the Emperor was seen as the supreme authority on Order. It was the responsibility of the Emperor and the empire to spread Order across the world. Societies that were considered Chaotic were reformed through Colonialism. Resources from the empire’s fiefs and colonies ultimately served the Malaszec homeland, the seat of global Order.

Fellowship of the Forest

The Fellowship of the Forest is an ancient ideology originating around modern day eastern Esterlod. While smaller than Order there is a significant minority following and is not mutually exclusive with Order. The core tenets are:


Baobabism is the traditional social structure of agrarian faeries who farmed along the Andeijan River. It is named after the Baobab tree where the extended family of matrilineal clans called Baobabs lived. The core tenets are:

Eastern Animism

Eastern Animism originated around modern day Serszec, likely to explain natural phenomena as well as to understand the content of dreams. Its core tenets are:

Malaszec Socialism

Modern socialism originated from Ertizec’s Essays on Labour written during the Final Malaszec Empire as a reaction to the inequality and poverty experienced under imperial rule. He was influenced by the collective ownership and responsibility of agrarian laborers in Baobabism. Broadly speaking, socialism describes systems where production and exchange are owned and managed by society at large.

Ertizec Communism

The ideology of the Malaszec Communist Revolution known as Ertizec Communism, or simply Communism, is based on Ertizec’s works since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The core tenets are:

Early Kregir Communism

After the establishment of the Malaszec People’s Republic (MPR), Arekos Kregir rose to power and became the dictator of an authoritarian regime. Kregir’s policies changed significantly over the course of his rule until his death but remained nominally communist, so MPR policy is typically divided into eras. Early Kregir Communism is the idology of the first decades of the MPR regime. Its core tenets are:


A post-MPR ideology that gained a following during the popularisation of neural networks that were practical to deploy. The core tenets are:

Fellowship Communism

A return-to-basics agrarian ideology under collective land ownership in order to service the Universal Forest ideal from the Fellowship of the Forest.

Malaszec Corporatism

The death of the MPR dictator Arekos Kregir and the resulting power vacuum led to the formation of the Malaszec Federation. The privatization of Malaszec’s wards in the hands of the political elite of the former MPR gave rise to corporatism. The formerly communist wards, known as Zloije, were reformed into conglomerate corporations also known as Zloije. Each Zloije has its own brand of corporatism, but corporatism as it existed at the start of the Federation has the following tenets:

Corporate Baobabism

A reinterpretation of traditional Baobabist ideals, where corporate subsidiaries are the new Baobab structure. The Zloije which each subsidiary is subordinate to represents a kind of super-Baobab whose values are expected to be followed by all the workers in the corporate structure.

Corporate Federalists

Corporate Federalism became popular after the 23SR Crisis, when espionage between Serzec-Nordarijn Frontier Joint Venture and Alvos Heartworks in the Western Malaszec Frontier Heartland led to the deployment of a weapon of mass destruction that threatened Malaszec proper. Following this incident, it became evident that the federal government was to weak to keep inter-Zloije disputes from endangering Malaszec as a whole. The core tenets of Corporate Federalism are: