Timeline of Events
This article is a list of major events in the history of the known world.
3rd Century
- ~200: Krutikova the Waymaker unites the Vsemenner Tribes.
- 200~250: Vsetrop reaches its maximum territorial size.
- ~250: The Death of Matriarch Krutikova the Waymaker leads to the Vsetrop splitting between her 4 Daughters Helena Harkin, Carla Harkin, Petra the Margravess, and Krutikova the Lame.
4th Century
- Collapse of Civilization in the Southern Zeredorken
9th Century
- ~800-850: Catamounts begin expanding around the Lytronian Plain.
10th Century
- 945: Regali Thurmon I creates the Tribal Kingdom of Jolanek in the Westlands, 739 years before Luger’s founding.
12th Century
- 1100: Polities of the Palm are united by Grand King Karilen the Adventurer, ending the Palmist Unification.
15th Century
- 1481: Death of Emperor Altun Narszijn ushers in the final years of the Narszijn Malaszec Empire. The political instability in Malaszec causes the Narszijn Malaszec Empire to fracture into dozens of independent states by 1487.
- Spring 1487: Ergor Aremus assassinates the Governor of Rejesnordarijn, Dalos Mjelzog, and is declares himself the leader of the new Malaszec Empire, now known as the final Malaszec Empire. He attacks the State of Eder, starting the War of Seven Generals.
16th Century
- 1529: Ergor Aremus conquers all the former Narszijn Malaszec lands, uniting them under his empire.
17th Century
- May, 1649: First Lugerian settlers land in Union Channel inside Union Bay, founding the settlement of Union.
- 10 September 1684: The First Charters are published, founding the First Republic of Luger.
18th Century
The Godforsaken War ends with the Treaty of Stenwilde
20th Century
- 1919: The industrial revolution begins. New mechanical technologies, steam power, and integration of mana with machine leads to an unprecedented explosion of productivity.
- 1920: The Malaszec colony of T’annkirne is established, the last of the Malaszec Empire’s colonies.
- 1925: Jarvek the Mage leads a series of raids against the Grand Kingdom of the Palm, this is widely considered the beginning of the Luddite Wars in Palmist History.
- 8 January 1932: the Malaszec People’s Republic is declared, with Malaszec’s communist rebellions become in all-out civil war against the Malaszec Empire. Malaszec colonies begin to lose support and supplies from the Empire, leading to their gradual collapse.
- 19 April 1934: T’annkirne declares independence from Malaszec.
- 27 November 1934: Bangsalaya declares independence from Malaszec, sparking the Bangsalayan Revolution.
- 23 November 1937: Malaszec colonial rule in T’annkirne collapses.
- 30 May 1938: May Restoration, military coup to restore the absolute monarchy in Urendir.
- 16 June 1938: Erothenian revolution, the last king of Urendir is deposed and the republic of Erothena proclaimed.
- 6 June 1939: Founding document of modern T’annkirne adopted.
- 21 December 1940: The Republic of Bangsalaya is officially recognized by Malaszec.
- 20 May 1942: Senior Journeyman Hjalmet Khalndroff attacks the Grand Army of the Palm in the Battle of the Broken Mountain, beginning open conflict between the Palmist Guild of Adventurers and the Grand Kingdom of the Palm
- 4 September 1947: First Dwerchus War starts as first speaker Gorim Gyrnhel declares Dwerchus independence from Erothena. The bloody war sees the beginning of the Dwarven diaspora.
- 13 June 1949: First Dwerchus war ends with the treaty of Warna. State of Dwerchus remains an autonomous client state of Erothena.
- 1956: The Palmist Guild of Adventurers breaks apart as a result of doctrinal disputes into the People’s Guild (led by Alessei Bartok) and the Guild of the Palm (led by Hjalmet Khalndroff).
- 9 September 1959: The Battle of Landon Field occurs between the Grand Thaumocracy of the Palm and the People’s Guild, concluding with most of Director Ryanok’s Army being killed.
- 1 October 1959: The People’s Guild capitulates to the Grand Thaumocracy of the Palm.
- 5 June 1961: The Grand King Oleg the Younger abdicates the throne without naming a successor, with the Royal Academy of Mages taking effective control of the country. This event is widely considered the end of the Grand Kingdom of the Palm.
- 10 October 1962: Senior Journeyman Khalndroff is poisoned while commanding Guild forces. His death causes the Guild of the Palm to splinter into a number of successor Guilds.
- June 1965: Senior Journeyman Yarlev leads a successful campaign against a number of successor guilds.
- 1 August 1965: Thaumist forces repel the Guild of the Palm in the Battle of Ilyandrov Heights, ending Senior Journeyman Yarlev’s summer campaign.
- 21 September 1967: The Grand Thaumocracy of the Palm begins the Battle of the Glass Cliffs, which concludes shortly after the death of Senior Journeyman Yarlev
- 12 December 1967: The Grand Guild of the Southern Coast capitulates to Palmist forces, ending the War of the Guilds.
- 7 May 1982: The 14 Mages complete and activate Aleph. This date is day 1 of year 0 in the Alphean Calendar.
- 1990: Outbreak of the Great Jungle War in the Lu’umil Peninsula.
- 1994: Dwerchan Paramilitary group Dwerchan Independence Front begins an all-out war on the government of Dwerchus, leading to thousands of people being killed or wounded.
- 1 February 1995: DIF forces takes the Dwerchan capital after a week of street-to-street fighting, declaring the Worker’s Republic of Dwerchus.
- 5 February 1995: The Erothenan parliament approves military deployment to Dwerchus, the Second Dwerchus war begins.
- 14 December 1997: The Second Dwerchus war ends with the final surrender of DIF leadership. Splinter groups will continue on fighting throughout the 21st century. Millions of people are killed, permanently injured or displaced by the war creating a massive refugee crisis. Erothena maintains a military occuption of Dwerchus in support of the restored government which continues until present.
21st Century
- 2012: Name Pending cuts down the last Silvertrunk tree, effectively destroying the Alskog. The Mana Shortage begins soon after.
- 2025: Arekos Kregir, dictator of the Malaszec People’s Republic, dies to natural causes. The exact day of his death is unknown.
- 3 May 2027: The constitution of the Federation of Malaszec is declared, marking the end of the Malaszec People’s Republic and of communism in Malaszec. Malaszec’s administrative wards are sold to private entities, creating the nine Zloije united under the Federal government.
- 2028: Beginning of the peace process to bring an end to the Great Jungle War on the Lu’umil Peninsula. Major fighting ends, although lower-intensity conflict continues.
- 2029: The communist government of the People’s Republic of Resiji steps down after years of unrest.
- 2030: After two years of negotiations, the Tilive Accords are signed, officially marking an end to the Great Jungle War and the creation of the Confederation of Lu’umil.
- 2031: The interim government of the Republic of Resiji, not keen to fall into the sphere of either Erothena or the Federation of Malaszec, applies to join the Confederation of Lu’umil.
- 14 June 2047: Esterlod ZE’s failed GMO experiment leads to the Arev Incident, the biggest single ecological disaster in Malaszec. The town of Arev, Esterlod and the surrounding countryside is infested with fast-growing magical fungi, leading to the creation of the Arev Exclusion Zone.
- 2 June 2051: The International Social Credit System, a decentralized international reputation system, is created.
- 14 April 2072: Esther III is assassinated by an unknown gunman.