
The Utajine Corporation is one of four megacorporations originating from Erothena. The holding company, fully owned by the Utajine family, has governing shares in a vast number of subsidiary corporations that together form the Utajine conglomerate. Utajine is the leading defense contractor for Erothena and Utajine’s Private Military forces make up a majority of troops in occupied Dwerchus

Since the late 15th century the noble Utajine family held domain in the ore-rich lands of central Erothena, earning much of their wealth from the iron mines. Over the centuries they’d open both mines, foundries and steel mills to better take advantage of the natural wealth and throughout most of Urendir’s colonial expansion Utajine owned armouries supplies the majority of weapons for the royal armies. In 1898 the Utajine Corporation, alongside the Utajine bank was formed to better centralize and oversee control over the vast network of business all originating from what was now an effective monopoly of iron mining in Urendir and its empire.

The first company president Utajine Ujamore was quick to adopt the new steam engines coming out to mechanize their mines, vastly expanding the output of both steel and coal which in turn allowed for the creation of the fully industrialized Royal Utajine Shipyard in Hevarukaman in 1922. Utajine designed and constructed a series of steam-powered ironclad warships that would quickly be adopted by the Royal Navy and turn it into one of the most powerful forces in Jamara. The new fleet would prove its worth, defeating their Malaszec counterparts in the Bangsalayan War.

The close bonds between Utajine and the Royal navy troubled the king who begun formulating plans to break up Utajine’s monoply, all of which were ended by the 1936 revolution. Utajine Ujamore himself was killed during the May Restoration, leaving power to his daughter Utajine Xatheya, who has headed the company since. With the beginning of the republic and its ending of royal anti-trust laws Utajine began a mass expansion into civilian industry as well as purchasing Erothena’s fledgling railway companies. They also began an expansion into Dwerchus, opening mines and steel mills. The instability in the region with the armed conflict between government forces and the Dwerchan Independence Front necessitated the formation of a private military force in 1962, Potakor Security, which was quickly adopted by Korerida as well as several municipalities to aid in their protection against Dwerchan militancy.

Following the Second Dwerchus War, Utajine purchased approximately a quarter of all of Dwerchus, gaining control of the great ore-rich regions and a port on the purple sea in the form of Ordam. Utajine, through their subsidiary Potakor is responsible for monitoring and managing mana-enhanced organisms originating from lake Kemaxa and their weapons divisions have used the near-infinite monstrous forces as test objects for each new generation of weaponry.
