Elves are sentient bipeds often recognized by their pointed ears. They have been known to form large social groups, sometimes with other sentient species.
Elves are often recognized by their pointed ears. By maintaining a steady diet of mana, elves retain a youthful appearance and can live up to five times longer than a human. However, the amount of mana required to be ingested increases as they age, and most elves cannot afford to extend their life this long.
The first known elvish civilization in Malaszec existed in inland along the Sarlej River, where the modern day city of Sarlej stands. Many early Malaszec elvish civilizations were isolationists, and rejected other species. At times, Malaszec elves broke this isolationist streak, and great empires were founded by elves in the Malaszec peninsula. The last of which was the final Malaszec Empire, which united the Malaszec peninsula for the first time. During this time, integrated cities of elves and humans became the norm in Malaszec, which continues to this day. In Malaszec, elves can be found in greatest numbers in the west (often dubbed “Elvish Country”) or living in metropolitan areas across the country, with the exception of faerie cities not designed for cohabitation.
Elves are the dominant species in Erothena.
Notable elves
- Ilaje Otrovec (16 March 1970-): Malaszec elf and president of Esterlod Zloije. Influential member of the Fellowship of the Forest, a religion with vegetarianism as one of its tenets, and popularized soy-based TVP meat substitute.
- Korerida Bunelon (8th April 1802 - 20th January 2024): Erothenan elf and founder of Korerida Corporation and one of the major leaders behind the Erothenan June Revolution.