The Korerida Corporation is one of the four Erothenian Megacorporations, with a near complete control of the nations mana production. Korerida operates worldwide and holds complete sovereignty in the Mana Region of Dwerchus which is directly owned by the corporation. All companies within the congolomorate are owned and controlled by the Korerida Holding Company which is under the private ownership of the Korerida family.
The Korerida corporation was founded as a talisman manufacturer in the year 1908 by Korerida Bunelon, a minor elven nobleman. Through contacts within the Imperial Dwerchan Trading Company Korerida secured favourable mana import deals that allowed them to quickly dominate the Erothenian talisman market, out-competing the Dwerchan companies that could only trade through the IDTC. In 1916 Korerida Bunelon was appointed chairman of the IDTC and used his power to favour his personal corporation now ran by his son Korerida Lethoran. The company expanded rapidly with the beginning of the industrial revolution, leading the forefront in mana-based medicine, agriculture and even weaponry.
The family secured their control over the IDTC during Korerida Bunelon’s rule, a development that was seen as threatening by the King. In 1934 Bunelon’s term was restricted to last only another two years after which the IDTC would be restructured and placed under the control of the Dwerchan State, serving as a vassal of the kingdom. The plans came to an end with the revolution of 1935 that saw the end of the monarchy and the establishment of the Erothenian Republic. In the aftermath of the revolution the Imperial Dwerchan Trading Company was dissolved, with 80% of its assets transferred to the Korerida Corporation which now held a monopoly on the mana exports from the vassal state.