Talzos Lasven

Talzos Asalija Lasven (born 31 December 1936) is a magically-altered baobab-ent currently the president of the heavy machinery company, Talzoseija TZe. Talzos was originally a natural ent seed smuggled out of the former Imperial Malaszec Colony of T’annkirne and was magically crossed with a native Malaszec baobab biollurgist by Asalij Lasven. Due to the magical alterations, Talzos is both hollow and immobile, unlike most other ents. Not only is Talzos the president of Talzoseija, but is also the company’s main headquarters and a popular tourist attraction. His permanent address Talzos Asalija Lasven, Lasven, Malaszec.

Talzos was planted on New Year’s Eve 1936 in the human-faerie integrated district in Lasven. As a sapling and a young tree, he was mobile and attended school. As he reached adulthood, he began losing his ability to walk, and by 1961 had permanently settled down in his present location. In this state, he was unable to attend university himself, but offered lodgings to faerie students and professors of the nearby University of Andeija’s Lasven campus, asking for tutoring in exchange. His popularity led to the creation of the Wisdom Tree Society, a student society dedicated to Talzos’ education and upkeep.

As Talzos continued to grow, so did his dietary needs. Talzos took a keen interest in engineering, and got involved with the Wisdom Tree Society in creating irrigation technology for his own dietary needs. His engineering experience led to his eventual employment by the Malaszec People’s Agricultural Commission, and in 1994 he became a program director designing irrigation systems being constructed as a result of the Dovreijan Boom.

Following the formation of the Malaszec Federation in 2027, he was appointed president of the newly created Talzoseija TZe, the heavy industry subsidiary of Andeija ZE.


Talzos Asalija Lasven follows a traditional Malaszec faerie naming tradition, consisting of a given name, a matronymic name, and a place of birth. Talzos was planted in the city of Lasven by Narja Kostoven, or Asalij as she was known at the time. The given name “Talzos” is a portmanteau of Malaszec talz, meaning “home” and olos, meaning “many” or “people,” a reference to the original purpose of Talzos’ biollurgical alterations, which was to produce a new kind of faerie housing.

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