Wards and cities of Malaszec

This article is about wards as geopolitical entities. For the related corporate entities, see Zloije (business).

Malaszec’s wards, also known as Zloije in the Malaszec language, are administrative divisions decided during the country’s Communist era that have since been sold to private individuals. Presently, they are run similarly to corporations in other countries, but meet regularly in the country’s Chamber of Commerce decide national law.

Below the ward level are entities like counties, cities, and villages. Important areas, such as counties and cities that have some kind of economic or strategic value, are managed by companies subsidiary to the ward they are in. Less important areas, like villages and hamlets, are generally not managed as closely since micromanaging them is unprofitable. Usually, they form their own local community leadership, although they are still subject to the whims of the ward they’re in.


Capital: Dermije

Historically known for its mineral wealth, Agerszijn has been overtaken by Dovreija in the mining industry. Thanks to the success of Agerszjinijekeposzvec, the science and technology park built in the country’s Late Communist era, Agerszjin now leads the country in technological and scientific innovation.



Agerszijnijekeposzvec, which means “Agerszijn Science City,” is a science and technology park built in the late Malaszec Communist era. Because Agerszijn was historically known for its extensive mining industry, the newfound mineral wealth of the Dovreija Deserts that overshadowed Agerszijn left the ward in a bind. With all of Agerszijn’s minerals shipped up north for value-added industries, the ward never established the manufacturing base that could supplement its diminishing mining business. With quality of life lowering, the governor of Agerszijn was determined to bring business back. He founded Agerszijnijekeposzvec next to a small annex of the Agerszijn Agricultural College in the countryside, where ecological research was being conducted. He would gather the ward’s greatest minds to the new city, and envisioned a place of innovation and high-tech research that would propel the ward into the growing technology industry.

When he ran out of funds allocated to his project by the Malaszec government, he spent his own personal wealth developing the city until he was almost broke. By the time the city’s design was complete in 2026, the dissolution of the Malaszec People’s Republic was in effect and his ward was sold off to wealthier individuals. Although he would never see the fruits of his labour, the people of Agerszijnijekeposzvec now live in the largest and most economically active city.

Having been designed in conjunction with the ecology department of what is now Agerszijn University, the city was designed like an arcology. It has an extensive underground walkway and mass transit system, solar farm, mana recycling center, and vertical urban farming structures.


Capital: Lasven

Home to a menagerie of magical creatures and tidal mana rivers, Andeija is the ancestral homeland of Malaszec’s native faeries. Infused with rich mana from the ground, the mana rivers flood the riverbanks with its river water, protecting the area from savanna fires and promoting the growth of magical plants. Large baobabs grow here, in which many faeries make their home. Holding the former capitals of fallen faerie states, Andeija’s land is a small fraction of the faerie kingdoms that came before it. Now populated mainly by faeries afforded the right to stay in their homeland after being conquered by northern invaders, the ward is known for its magical landscapes and arcane agriculture. Even the cities are teeming with magical plants, which grow in every corner of every street.

Lasven contains the country’s first districts designed to integrate faeries and Bigs, with buildings utilizing intersize design. These districts were constructed during the communist era for the central government to better administrate the faerie wards. Lasven is also home to Talzos Lasven, a magically-modified ent who is a corporate headquarters and a popular tourist destination.


Capital: Anelije-Darvec

Created as a place to put faeries displaced by northern invasions into former faerie territory, the once desolate desert ward has since been transformed into a buzz of industrial activity after the discovery of mineral wealth during the Communist era. This mineral discovery and the period of success following it is known as the Dovreijan Boom. Since faeries were put in charge of the ward and given great autonomy by the Communist Malaszec government, as the ward was thought worthless at the time, the combination of greater economic freedom and newfound resources made the ward the fastest growing ward in Malaszec by the time the People’s Republic dissolved. The ward’s contribution to the country’s GDP has since been surpassed by the northern wards during the Malaszec’s diversification to service and technology industries. Public projects such as the desert irrigation and mass transit systems from the bygone era remain in the present, now operated under corporate governance.

Anelije and Darvec

Most of Dovreijan land is desert, so most of the population lives in the Anelije-Darvec metropolitan area near the water. With the increased economic activity in Dovreija spurred on by the Dovreijan boom, the non-faeries people started to move to Dovreija. Because of their large size, they were unable to live in Anelije, a city built for faeries. Instead, they established Darvec nearby. Since then, Darvec and Anelije has grown into each other, forming the Anelije-Darvec megalopolis.

After Dovreija was privatized, the cities of Anelije and Darvec were merged under Anelije-Darvec TZe and administered as one entity.


Capital: Vendara

Like Dovreija, Rescija was created to put faeries displaced by northern invasions into former faerie territory. Though many faeries had already been living there in the east of Rescija, an area formerly considered part of Andeija, the area was redistricted in order to fit the “divide and conquer” agenda of the national government. Part of drawing the border between Rescija and Dovreija included the Lozdlejne Concession, stretching the ward to the far west of the country to give it access to the Lozdlejne Sea bordered by three other wards.

Economically, the ward mainly exports agricultural products. Cattle and sheep are staple products of Rescijan industry, although in the east there is a notable apotheceutical industry due to the firesurfer shrub which grows there. The firesurfer grows in mana soils within arid climates prone to prairie fires. When the shrub is being burned, it releases its seedhead which resembles a feather and rides the pressure differentials created by the heat. The structure of the mana within the seedhead generates its own pressure differentials resembling faeire flight, which gradually match with the natural frequency of the heat convection in the air, moving the seedhead great distances to a place where there is no fire. The firesurfer is used to create high-concentration mana supplement for faeries suffering from mana deficiency. The low ambient mana in western Rescija and Dovreija significantly raised the number of mana deficient faeries, creating a major market for eastern Rescija.


Capital: Dovorec

Holding the current capital of the country, Serszec is home to many historic buildings and tourist attractions. The ward also has the country’s largest manufacturing base, processing ores and minerals from the south into value added goods. Industrial cities are highly automated, with drones and robots omnipresent in the factories and in the skies.



Having been the capital of various Malaszec states throughout history, Dovorec is sprawling with historic buildings and modern constructions alike. Dovorec is the capital of Serszec and contains the Dovorec Government District, which is the capital of Malaszec. The Dovorec Government District is a rare case of federally managed territory; the Chamber of Commerce governs the district directly rather than the ward. This is in order to prevent a conflict of interest so that Serszec cannot legally force the closure of government buildings using city ordnance. The rest of Dorovec is managed by the Serszec ward.
