Notable Systems and Planetoids of the Federal Constellation


The Federal Constellation consists of 6 Incorporated Systems which are represented in the Constellation Assembly, totalling 48 planets and 252 moons. Of these systems, only 2 planets and 1 moon are naturally habitable.

This article lists only notable systems, planetoids, satellites, and other celestial bodies of the Federal Constellation.

The Constellation Supersystem

The Constellation Supersystem refers to the two binary solar systems joined by their mutual wormhole, Everlasting Communion, and is where the Constellation was founded.

Everlasting Communion

Everlasting Communion is a stable natural wormhole whose wormhole entrances are in binary orbit with the stars in the solar systems they connect, the Grand Throne and Giver's Ring systems. Radio sent through the wormhole become distorted without correction, and all objects are required to slow to at or below the speed of light to traverse it in order to maintain its stability.

Constellation Station

The capital of the Constellation is Constellation Station, which is moved across Everlasting Communion every kilochron. The station consists of a large number of modules, most notably the Assembly Chamber, where the Constellation Assembly convenes.

Grand Throne System

The Grand Throne system is the home system of the insectoids, and is governed by the Celestial Imperium, one of the founding members of the Constellation.

Grand Throne

Grand Throne is the inhabited moon of Grand Palace, the insectoid homeworld, and capital of the Celestial Imperium. It is an ecumenopolis whose entire surface is covered by insectoid nests and structures, which makes it non-navigable by beings who are too large and unable to fly.

Giver's Ring System

The Giver's Ring system is the home system of the fungoids, and is governed by the Great Equatorial Republic, one of the founding members of the Constellation.

Giver's Ring

Giver's Ring is the homeworld of the fungoids and capital of the Great Equatorial Republic. It is tidally locked to the binary star and wormhole in its solar system, making the regions near the equator the only inhabitable parts of the planet as one hemisphere always faces a sun. All water evaporates into the atmosphere in the bright side, where it condenses back into water and ice in the dark side.

Through the bright side is too hot for habitation, solar arrays have been established there which provide constant power the equator. In the dark side, data farms have been established which takes advantage of the natural cold to cool servers.

The Prosperity System

The Prosperity System has a single sun, Prosperity's Light, and is the first colonized system of the Constellation. Its colonization led to the creation of the Constellation Colonial Administration, which incubates colonies until they are deemed ready to become sovereign members of the Constellation. This classification was a contentious one, and created unrest over self-determination for the colony until it became a Full Member of the Constellation with the passage of the Prosperity Accession and Next-Generation Colonial Plan.

In addition to the habitable planet, Prosperity, several planetoids and the asteroid belt have been identified as being rich in natural-resources according to geological surveys like the Prosperity Habitability and Viability Survey.


Prosperity is a Constellation joint colony world, meaning its governing bodies are composed of citizens of all Constellation members. Joint colonization was chosen in order to provide a solution to land shortages on both Giver's Ring and Grand Throne.

Being a joint colony, Insectoids and Fungoids were expected to live in and develop the same regions. This drove development of infrastructure for inter-species cohabitation, and greatly increased the importance of the Constellar language, which can be used by both Insectoids and Fungoids despite differing physiologies.

Prosperity Orbital Shipyards

Most spacecraft native to Prosperity are constructed at Prosperity Orbital Shipyards, where companies obtain contracts to use its facilities in exchange for developing Prosperity's infrastructure.

Spirited Frost

Spirited Frost is cold and uninhabitable, one orbit further away from Prosperity's Light than Prosperity. Iceberg Systems targeted it for constructing a planet-wide data farm due to a combination cool temperatures, lack of settlements, and natural magnetic field. Its temperatures can cool server computers, its magnetic field prevents interference from cosmic rays causing which cause data corruption, and its uninhabitability led to cheap land prices.

The growth of data farms on Spirited Frost is hindered mainly by infrastructure construction, as generators and superluminal uplinks to the Constellation internetwork must be established in addition to server equipment.

Silver Breath

Silver Breath is a gas giant with a large number of moons, some of which have underground water. Two of its moons harbour exotic life. For example, an extremophile microbe, Silver Breath 8-216, was discovered on its eighth moon which produces a lithum-binding protein. Bioprospected genes from these moons have been used in genetically-modified organisms.

The Tranquility System

The Tranquility System is the second colonized system in the Constellation. It was originally one of the colonial candidates during the first round of colonization which eventually led to the Prosperity colony, but the small size of its one habitable moon made Prosperity a more attractive target. Despite the lack of habitable land, the six terrestrial planets are rich in natural resources and is the closest habitable system to Everlasting Communion.

When advancements in propulsion and other technologies made additional colonization viable, colonization of Tranquility and other systems surveyed previously was revisited. This sparked a heated debate over colonial rights, and in the ensuing deadlock in the Constellation Assembly, the cabinet started colonizing Tranquility with a legal loophole by classifying the entire system as a deep space military outpost. Following the Prosperity boycott crisis, the government compromised on these issues and Tranquility was reclassified as a regular colony in the Prosperity Accession and Next-Generation Colonial Plan.

The Verity System

Verity is one of the colonies created in the Prosperity Accession and Next-Generation Colonial Plan. Its habitable planet is notable for its large size and excellent agricultural conditions. The high gravity also means Insectoids are unable to fly there.

The Horizon System

Horizon is one of the colonies created in the Prosperity Accession and Next-Generation Colonial Plan.