Zloije (business)

This article is about zloije in their business/corporate capacity. For the related geopolitical entities, see Wards and cities of Malaszec.

Zloije (abbreviated “ZE”) are nine large conglomerate corporations that rose to power in Malaszec after the dissolution of the Malaszec People’s Republic (MPR). The name comes from the nine administrative divisions of the former MPR, which were called zloije. These zloije were bought up by the wealthy elite and the industry and land were reorganized into the modern, corporate zloije. Due to the diverse portfolio of industries each zloije competes in, zloje are organized into tenzloije, or subsidiaries of zloije, which themselves can have more tenzloije under them. Zloije operate under their own laws, and their only supreme law comes from the Chamber of Commerce, which is comprised of delegates from the zloije themselves. Each zloije has overseas operations, and are known to start joint ventures to be more competitive with foreign businesses.


Agerszijn is historically known for its mining industry, as the land is rich in minerals and precious metals. It lost its ground to Dovreija as early as the Malaszec communist era during the Dovreijan Boom, although Agerszijn’s mining operations remain an important part of Agerszijn today. Agerszijn is now mostly known for its high-tech development, thanks to Agerszijnijekeposzvec, which was created as a science park and was completed the year before the privatization of Agerszijn zloije.




Subsidiary of


Oloromnal Quantum


Quantum computing, database services

Agerszijn ZE


Agerszijn Computing Research

Computing research

Agerszijn ZE


Agerszijn Chemicals

Chemicals, Materials

Agerszijn ZE



Andeija is the ancestral homeland of the Malaszec faeries and is known for its production of magical plants and magical products. Some of its subsidiaries trace their origins back centuries, especially those specializing in agribusiness or apotheceuticals. Andeija’s brand revolves around their rich history, although in the case of newer ventures, the origin stories are often completely made up.

Name Logo Industry Subsidiary of Subsidiaries
Liszikeija   Agribusiness Andeija ZE None
Talzoseija   Heavy equipment Andeija ZE None


Dovreija became industrially relevant in Malaszec following the Dovreijan Boom during the Malaszec communist era. New surveying methods led to the discovery of a mineral wealth large enough to dethrone Agerszijn in the mining industry. Dovreija remains an active mining region with a notable manufacturing base. Within manufacturing, it is known for making products catered towards faeries owing to its faerie population and proximity to the other faerie zloije.




Subsidiary of





Dovreija ZE



Esterlod particularly excels in the field of biotechnology, including biomedical, biochemistry, and food sciences. It is known for it soy-based synthetic meat after buying the now-president Ilaje Otrovec’s synthetic meat company in 2041, and synthmeat sales have since overtaken sales of real meat due to its low cost. It came under fire for the Arev Incident in 2047, where the company caused the town of Arev and the surrounding countryside to become infested with a genetically modified fungus intended as a magical energy source. Another large scandal happened in 2054 when early production runs of StreamEye, a wireless cybernetic eye produced by the company, was vulnerable to a maliciously crafted QR code that would cause the eye to shut down.




Subsidiary of


Esterlod Alisnal



Esterlod ZE

Esterlod Cyberware, Esterlod Pharma, Esterlod Genetics, Esterlog Surgical, Esterlod Frontier, Esterlod Energy

Esterlod Cyberware

Cyberware prosthetics

Esterlod Alisnal

Esterlod Pharma


Esterlod Alisnal

Esterlod Genetics


Esterlod Alisnal

Esterlod Surgical

Medical appliances & equipment

Esterlod Alisnal

Esterlod Frontier

Blue sky research

Esterlod Alisnal

Esterlod Energy


Esterlod Alisnal


For centuries, Rescija’s economy was dominated by cattle ranching and animal products. In the communist era, cultivation methods for the Rescijan firesurfer spawned a thriving pharmaceutical industry, since it is used to produce medicine critical for faeries in low mana environments. During the formation of the Malaszec Federation, Rescija ZE acquired these industries. However, the popularization of low-cost soy-based synthetic meat in the 2040s and 50s led to a decline in the sale of real meat. With this decline, Rescija was losing a large chunk of their customer base― the middle class― and revenues were dropping. In 2055, Rescija’s meat division started marketing its products as luxuries catering to the upper class. To lean into this luxury image, the Rescija brand was redesigned and licensed to other companies to use on high-end products.

Currently, the majority of consumer products bearing the Rescija brand are actually manufactured by other companies. Rescija’s only manufactured exports are meat and pharmaceuticals, while the rest of its business consists of licensing, marketing, and tourism.

Name Logo Industry Subsidiary of Subsidiaries
Rescija Leisure and Resorts   Hospitality, travel, gambling Rescija ZE  
Ilas Rescija   Meat Rescija ZE None


Serszec has the country’s largest manufacturing base, processing ores and minerals from the south into value added goods. Industrial cities are highly automated, with drones and robots omnipresent in the factories and in the skies.

Name Logo Industry Subsidiary of Subsidiaries
Serszec Olosron   Publishing Serszec ZE None
Naposvasgrat   Public transport Serszec ZE None

Category:Malaszec Category:Companies